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Thin framed and trembling, you would have never guessed she was daughter of the King. A battle of battles was at her front door and she quaked with fear at what the outcome may be. She knew her limits and could not imagine proceeding with the anticipated orders. Something had to give. Her next steps were hidden behind a curtain of despair and discouragement. With her head bowed and her knees knocking, she trusted this foreigner who invited her to bring her concerns to Jesus and seek Him and His wisdom for direction. She agreed and He met her. He gently revealed sin. He encouraged her to repent and seek forgiveness as well as offer unconditional love and acceptance. He was everything to her that He promises us to be. Freedom and relief rushed in. Physical healing came forth. Her passion for His Word and Himself was awakened. I nearly could not believe what I was seeing and hearing. Death threatened, but Jesus entered the picture and Salvation had came. The hem of His robe was positioned within reach, she touched it and was forever changed. She would return home never the same prepared to forsake all for our Risen King. The very thing that appeared to be the end of her life was the bridge to abundant life. The set back was a set up and the Father moved in such a way that He alone could get the glory for our good. In his lovingkindness, even the way though which He chooses to deliver is intentionally protective.

In Judges 7, we see God meet Gideon in a similar way. The battle is before him. God has already called him Mighty Warrior. It's been established by the Word of the Lord that he is able and yet before Gideon goes forth, the Lord in essence says... "not yet." Verse 2, " You have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands or Israel would boast against me, 'My own strength has saved me." God has all intentions to deliver them but is bent on doing so in a way that is good and healthy for His people. He prepares them in such a way that pride and idolatry has no foot hole - no entry way into their hearts. He first sends home those who tremble with fear. In Deuteronomy 20:8, we see how others can become disheartened by those who walk in fear. Fear can cause us to under/overestimate our abilities and render us ineffective as it ushers us into hyperactivity, hypoactivity or even paralysis. Fear- longterm -can wreak havoc on our physical bodies bringing forth dysfunction and disease. The men tainted by fear would not have been the greatest and strongest asset of Gideon's team. Only God would have picked up on that. Next, he sends home the men that get down on their knees to drink as opposed to those that lap up water from cupped hands. Some ascertain that this demonstrated their natural inclination "to be ready in and out of every season." Remaining upright, these men would be aware of their surroundings, not easily surprised by the tactics of the enemy, and able to respond well to changes in their environment. A posture that God's people are encouraged to maintain in Christ.

Once God has Gideon's team appropriately sized, He provides Gideon with an opportunity to once again see the plan's and promises of the Lord confirmed. This would strengthen Gideon's confidence in the Lord and His faithfulness. "During that night the Lord said to Gideon, “Get up, go down against the camp, because I am going to give it into your hands.10 If you are afraid to attack, go down to the camp with your servant Purah 11 and listen to what they are saying. Afterward, you will be encouraged to attack the camp.”Judges 7:9-11. He goes and hears a man speaking of his dream to another and it confirms the promise of God. It's as if God was sealing His promise in Gideon's heart just as He sealed the promise of eternal life through Jesus by sealing us with Holy Spirit.





And He still seals what He does. In the testimony above, this precious one, after encountering our living God in a life saving, life changing way, rose to her feet and entered into worship with a room of other believers... Worship! Could there have been any more appropriate response to being in the presence of Jesus that just left her "cleansed?" As a devotion wrapped up the evening, these words were spoken, " We have come here not for entertainment but that we might draw near to the Lord and touch the hem of His rob (healing) and forsake all other things." In that one sentence through that man, the Lord was sealing the work He had just accomplished in her and for her... He had healed her, cleansed her, and drew her near as she forsook all other things. He was confirming that it was indeed the work of His hands, the Word of His mouth, and the intention of His heart for her. Astounding.

Gideon went forth and battled with his army of 300 that had been whittled down by the Word of the Lord and it came to pass as the Lord said it would. As a grand finale of sorts, the leaders of the enemy were captured and killed at the Rock of Oreb and the winepress of Zeeb. The significance? A seal. It was from a rock that fire sprang up in Judges 6:21 when Gideon encountered the angel of the Lord. It was from within the winepress that Gideon was threshing wheat and was first called " Mighty Warrior" and given charge to lead God's people....

Friend, are you sealed? Church attendance alone doesn't cut it. Good works alone doesn't do it. Do you belong to Jesus? Have you recognized that you are a sinner in need of a Savior? Repented of your sin? Accepted the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ alone? Been sealed with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of your salvation ? If these questions seem foreign or strange to you, stop today and pray- simply ask Jesus what He wants you to know about this. He is faithful to draw near to us when we draw near to Him. No doubt, just as He entered the scene of Gideon and my dear friend I have spoken of, He desperately desires to enter into yours as well. Seek Him and He will be found.


And who has also put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.

2 Corinthians 1:22

In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit... Ephesians 1:13

But God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.” 2 Timothy 2:19


Read Judges 7 and 8 here: "Another in the Fire", Hillsong

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