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Sacred Pillars


Two days in a row I have found myself in 2 Chronicles 14 and 15. Today, I paused and asked, "Ok, what Lord?" 2 Chronicles 14:1 "Then Asa his son reigned in his place. In his days the land was quiet for ten years. Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the LORD his God, for he removed the altars of the foreign gods and the high places and broke down the sacred pillars and cut down the wooden images. He commanded Judah to seek the LORD God of their fathers, and to observe the law and the commandment..."2 Chronicles 14:6 "He built fortified cities in Judah, for the land had rest; he had no war in those years, because the LORD had given him rest." Then came an army of a million men and hundreds of chariots and Asa went out against them and cried out to the Lord, and said, "Lord, it is nothing for You to help, whether with many or with those who have no power; help us O Lord our God, for we rest on You, and in Your name we go against this multitude. O Lord, You are our God; do not let man prevail against You!"2 Chronicles 14:11. Then in verse 12, we read, "So the LORD struck the Ethiopians before Asa and Judah, and the Ethiopians fled. In verse 14 we read that they, Asa and the Lord's army, went onward and defeated other cities around Gerar, for the fear of the Lord came upon them; and they plundered all the cities, for there was exceedingly much spoil in them.

As I read these passages, so much jumped out at me. First, in looking at the days we are journeying through, there was personal conviction as well as conviction on behalf of our city, our state, and our nation. Asa entered his time of reigning by immediately obeying and creating an environment that exhibited what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord. I don't see any timid dancing around the subject or a desire within him to be favored among the people. I would beckon to presume that there were many that were discontented as he stripped down the idols and highly esteemed pillars of worship that many had placed their hope, security, and trust in. As time went on and the favor of the Lord settled over that place because of Asa's determination to honor the One true God and no other, I would hope that some were won over. Not to Asa's side. Not to his party or personal agenda. But to the Lord as they saw the principles of God's Word played out. With fresh eyes, they maybe for the first time saw in motion that we really do reap what we sow.

What is it that sits on the pillars of your life? What have your coined as "sacred?" Perhaps, at one time in your life it was foreign to you, but with time you've taken it in as your own. These things creep in- maybe its family tradition that you've just continued because that's how "we've always done it." But haven't considered if that's what the Lord has required of you. Seriously. Ponder that. What is it that grabs for your attention the most in your day to day? When that comes to mind, ask the Father, why? Why is it that you are doing what your are doing? Why is it social media that tugs for your attention day and night? Fear? Loneliness? Pride? Why is it that in this time of social distancing, perhaps some old habits have resurfaced? What void is that filling? What does God say about it? Ask Him. What does He want you to do about it? What do you believe about God in the context of those things? We all have extra hours in the day these days. But, it won't last forever. Curfews will be lifted. Mingling will return. Work hours implemented again. Busy-ness sits crouching at our door steps ready to distract again. We must not let this opportunity to pause pass us by.

In these days, pray for healing- yes. Pray for wisdom-yes. Pray for victory- yes. Pray for comfort- yes. But, we would be wise to look at Asa. Before he found peace, before he found victory, before he found prosperity in his land... there was true repentance. There wasn't a quick "forgive me" uttered between his warm cup of coffee and the next facebook post. Rather, a true inventory of the land and a purposed, intentional change. True repentance leads to changed behavior, not vice versa. What's going on in the land of your heart? What pillars need to be brought down, images erased, and idols banished? Maybe you are not sure. Maybe you have never cracked the Bible and truly have no idea what God, not man, has to say... but maybe today is your day. Your day to see His great love for you and that His intentions for you, for me, are for good. Not to harm us. But because He is a loving Father, He does allow circumstances to discipline us to draw us back to the safe place under Him, our place of refuge.

May the fear of the Lord, the beginning of wisdom, be upon each of us today as we repent and release all things that offer false security and truly seek His face and His face alone for rest, peace, victory, prosperity. It's in Jesus Christ and by His Spirit that we are to move, breathe, and have our being. While our mouths are covered by PPE, may our eyes be ever more open to what the Lord is doing, our ears be ever more quickened to His voice, and our hands and feet ready to obey.

2 Chronicles 15 : 2 "The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you."

Worship Him today and ask as David did in Psalms 139, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting. There is no sin, no virus, no army greater than our God. He is able. - O Come to the Altar, Elevation Church.

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